Dew, Do, Due…Renew Your Membership for 2014!

Dew, Do, Due…

As we make our way to the end of 2013 (!), we wanted to let you know that it is time to think about renewing your membership in the Mothers Club for 2014. Annual dues are due by January 1, and they are used to support our ongoing mission of helping local parents connect with one another. This very modest sum of $10 allows the club to maintain its website, secure rooms for our monthly meetings, and support several service projects each year.

There are 2 options for renewing your membership dues: check and Paypal.

By check: Please send a check for $10 payable to the Chapel Hill/Carrboro Mothers Club to: Sarah McInnes, 127 Schultz Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Please be sure to include on the memo line of the check the name you used when completing your application to join the club.

By Paypal: Please go to the membership form on the Mothers Club website, and fill in your name, email and phone number.  If you have any updates to your information, you can include them on this form. At the bottom of the form, please complete the box for the email address on your Paypal account and submit the form. You will then be directed to a page to access Paypal.

If you are a new member who joined in November or December of 2013, your membership will automatically carry-over to 2014. Any questions/concerns, please email Sarah at     

The Mothers’ Club thanks you for your support!

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