Ten Ways to Save Yourself Time and Money Today!

by Perri Kersh
Professional Organizer
Member, Chapel Hill/Carrboro Mothers Club

  1. Plan your meals for the week and only shop once. If this is overwhelming, start by using a meal planning service such as www.sixoclockscramble.com or www.savingdinner.com for menu planning and shopping lists. Double at least one recipe each week and freeze half. Let your kids pitch in with their own ideas and of course, give yourself a night off to eat out!
  2. Create a family organizer and keep all important information in one three ring binder. Keep doctor's information, preschool phone lists, babysitters, medical release information, plumber, electrician, lawn service, etc. in the binder and close to the phone you use most often.
  3. Keep an ongoing gift list with shopping ideas for kids, family members or just the perfect gift for every 3 year old you'll have to shop for this year.
  4. Create a "Where the Heck am I?" file for your car with commonly used directions and phone numbers. Next fall when you're ready to go to Ganyard Farm for a hayride, you won't have to scramble to print a map! And when you're running errands, map them out in advance so you can be as efficient as possible.
  5. Do as much as possible the night before. Let your children pick out their clothes and create a "no changing your mind in the morning" policy. Pack snacks or lunches and put by the door. Pick out your own clothes and have your purse and diaper bag packed and ready to go.
  6. Set a timer for 5 minutes and declutter daily. No need to get obsessive, just spend five minutes in the area that collects the most clutter (we all have one!) and get rid of the mess!
  7. Open your mail over the trashcan so you can immediately ditch the junk. Create a regular bill paying spot, stocked with stamps, envelopes and checks, and place all bills there immediately after opening.
  8. Keep an ongoing "to do" or "to call" list with you and use time spent waiting in line or waiting to pick up at preschool to scratch a few calls or items off your list.
  9. Keep your car packed with extras you may need such as a change of clothes for everyone, sports equipment, snacks, water, a picnic blanket, diapers and wipes.
  10. Use artwork your child creates to wrap presents or frame it and give to relatives. You won't be "throwing it away," but you will be able to see your refrigerator again!

Posted September 2005

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